I was diagnosed with diabetes at age 26, working nights as an ER nurse. This is my journey into insulin and pump therapy.
Motivation Articles
What is your Why?
Do You Know Your Answer? Ever notice how you seem to hear certain phrases over and over in a short period of time?? For me it has been the phrase “What is your Why?” Why do you get up in the morning? Why do you do the job you do? Why do you do believe what you do?...
When is it Time to Rock the Boat?
Thinking About Change "Rock the boat, don’t rock the boat baby. Rock the boat, don’t tip the boat over." Do you remember that song? That’s a classic in a throwback from the 70s (check it out here for some platform-shoes, bell bottomed, disco fun!) I am reminded of...
The Truth About Diabetes
Acting Upon Your Truth I have to admit, at times I get what I call “monkey mind”. Those times when the chatter of my thoughts create chaos and unrest. It is the incessant babbling of the ego trying to protect the body by keeping us small, pointing out all the...
Meandering Blood Sugars
Movement is Constant – Expect It! Life Moves On my walk this morning, I enjoyed watching a small stream meander through a subdivision. It reminded me that everything is constantly moving and that movement has a HUGE impact on our happiness. Sitting around is...
Why Dragonflies and Diabetes??
Why Dragonflies and Diabetes? A quick google search will turn up a myriad of sites about dragonflies and their meanings. They provide inspiration to so many and they adorn everything from teacups to tattoos. But it was this definition that initially caught my...