
This course helped me to see I have so many more options and possibilities.

These new insights helped to improve my diabetes almost effortlessly!  I just watched the videos and did the exercises, and I began to transform!

  • My time in range has improved by 52% and continues to be on average between 70% – 80% in range.
  • My energy levels have dramatically improved and I now have vigor to enjoy my free time. I work an active 8-hour day which would have previously left me exhausted.
  • I am practicing better self-care and with a sharpened focus. I am better able to manage the daily challenges that diabetes presents, I have gained autonomy over my life and confidently advocate on my own behalf.
Teresa - Type 1

One of the most profound changes in my life since completing this program, aside from achieving a better A1C and spending more time within target range, is my shift from a victim mindset to one of empowerment.

Before enrolling in the Better Diabetes Life 5 Step Program, I had struggled to manage my type 1 diabetes for decades. The circumstances surrounding my diagnosis at age ten, along with several other traumatic events throughout the years, had added to my stress load. This eventually led to anxiety, depression, and burnout. It all felt like too much. I was pretty much at my wit’s end when, fortunately, I came across Patricia on the Insight Timer app.

Patricia became a beacon of light in the dark night that was my life. Her program provided me with a safe space to “be in my body” and an opportunity to finally address my pent-up emotions. I realized I had been living with unhealed grief and often resorted to denial as a coping mechanism. Once I processed all of this, I became more present and focused on managing my diabetes.

The program also equipped me with valuable information and tools that made living with this complex condition significantly less daunting. It boosted my confidence in my ability to manage diabetes, handle fluctuations in glucose levels and emotions, and articulate my needs to others. I adopted an inquisitive approach instead of the old reactionary manner and pushed myself beyond my “comfort zone,” which, as it turns out, was not so comfortable after all! 

One of the most profound changes in my life since completing this program, aside from achieving a better A1C and spending more time within target range, is my shift from a victim mindset to one of empowerment. I no longer see diabetes as a life sentence; instead, I see it as an opportunity for me to truly understand myself and my capabilities.

I’ve gained an immense amount of knowledge, and the benefits extend far beyond diabetes management. I wholeheartedly recommend this program to anyone struggling – there is hope! A “Better Diabetes Life” is possible!

Patience is key; this life-changing process can’t be rushed, especially if you’ve had a long and complicated relationship with your diabetes like I’ve had.  I can say for sure that the time and effort invested in this program are absolutely worthwhile!

Magalie - Type1

I am recommending her to anyone I know

“My life living with T1 diabetes has radically shifted since finding Patricia on Insight Timer. I went to a live session about grief and hers was a completely fresh perspective for me. After 30+ years, I realized a lot has been going on “behind the scenes” affecting my way of relating to myself with a chronic condition.
Patricia GETS what the issues are and has practical, loving tools to help both medical professionals and those with diseases. I am recommending her to anyone I know with a chronic condition who can appreciate a whole and holistic shift to authentic and meaningful living.””

Carrie - Type 1

I have hope now

“And it is not just a feeling of hope. The practical resources, the combination of science and spirit, all together have set me on a path of hope. I have less fear about diabetes.
Coach Patricia has opened a whole new, positive relationship with my type 2 diabetes, myself, and others. My A1c is on the way down while my mindset, skills and attitude are on the way up. . .way, way up!”

Dwayne - Type 2

Thanks for the work you do

I’m sitting in my office crying while listening to your interview with Patricia Daiker. The part where she said she loves having diabetes got me. My son says the same thing (he’s 11) and I’m so afraid he’ll grow up and lose his optimism, when hes faced with some of the harsh realities. (Mental exhaustion, the cost, waking up to treat his own lows, etc etc) But I have hope when I hear an adult with the same positive attitude. Thanks for the work you do, you are making a difference!

Mom of Type 1 son

Patricia has been a true life changing partner

Even after 48 years of experience dealing with Type 1 diabetes, having a Nurse coach like Patricia to help me manage, meditate, gain perspective, assess issues, and life coach me through some very overwhelming times has been a GIFT, a true gift that I wish I could gift to every diabetic on the planet!

Colleen - Type 1

Really learned a lot like how to identify issues and ask for help.

Very refreshing for someone to put a positive spin on dealing with the hardships of living with diabetes. I really learned a lot like how to identify issues and ask for help.

Lisa - Type 1 - 50 years

Patricia helped me see my numbers as information that provides choices.

I have Diabetes and 6 weeks ago I would not have said that out loud. Patricia is a coach, a friend, compassionate, and firm. Patricia helped me see my numbers as information that provides choices.

Katrina K. - Type 2

The lessons also got me thinking about how I am feeling and why.

The tone of this course is positive… not preachy or New Age flaky. The lessons also got me thinking about how I am feeling and why. I hadn’t considered how much diabetes can influence negative emotions. Also, a nice reminder that blood glucose is not a measure of my self-worth as a human being.

Kirstin - Type 1 - 50 years

Patricia helped me see that I don’t need to beat myself up every morning.

The dawn phenomenon was huge to understand. Patricia helped me see that I don’t need to beat myself up every morning that I wake up and I feel like a failure at my health because of testing and my blood sugar is up.

Chris Collins - Type 2

I have found myself quoting some of the things we talked about in conversations with friends.

I picked up a lot from our last session. I have found myself quoting some of the things we talked about in conversations with friends.

Wilma P

Patricia gave me a new way to think about my diabetes.

Patricia gave me a new way to think about my diabetes. I like thinking about it almost as someone else!.

Chelsea, Type 1 - Pumper, Looper

If you’re looking for a kind and caring diabetes coach, I highly recommend working with Patricia.

Patricia is so passionate about helping others. She has been in this field for years and truly wants to make a difference in the lives of those with diabetes. If you’re looking for a kind and caring diabetes coach, I highly recommend working with Patricia at Dragonfly Lights.

Heidi McBain


I never thought that being prepared for an appointment was important. This has changed after today.

This was great and I really enjoyed listening to you guide us through our sameness. I never thought that being prepared for an appointment was important. This has changed after today. Keeping the log seems to be the best advice. Now I need to evaluate the information. You are truly a trooper. I love it.

John W - Type 2, Newly diagnosed

It was the first time he’s ever been able to talk to someone about his diabetes who understands and relates.

Thank you so much for the coaching you did!. He left every meeting feeling encouraged and motivated. I think the coaching accomplished what it was meant to do. Most of all, with the weekly meetings it was the first time he’s ever been able to talk to someone about his diabetes who understands and relates. I think that was crucial for him. Thank you so much.

Brenda, Wife of Client

There is no doubt in my mind that Patricia is among the best I have heard and seen.

This was great and I really enjoyed listening to you guide us through our sameness. I never thought that being prepared for an appointment was important. This has changed after today. Keeping the log seems to be the best advice. Now I need to evaluate the information. You are truly a trooper. I love it.

Denise Castile, Founder/Executive Director

Fresh Start for Your Heart

After one hour of coaching with Patricia, I felt like I could really do the things I wanted to do.

I’ve seen a therapist for many years, and it has helped tremendously. BUT after one hour of coaching with Patricia, I felt like I could really do the things I wanted to do. I left the session uplifted and peaceful and excited for the future. And that is no small feat considering my significant other died after a serious car accident just seven months ago, I also retired after more than 35 years in the IT world, AND I had to close the non-profit organization my guy and I founded after five successful years of helping seniors. Patricia was so helpful, so calming, so insightful. And unlike a therapist, she asked questions that helped me describe what I would like my future, just one year from now, to be. And I truly think it will be.

Deborah H.

The “games” we played were fun and silly but very helpful and surprisingly enlightening.

I very much enjoyed our session. You made me feel comfortable and were able to help me narrow down my focus when I had so many ideas floating around in my head. The “games” we played were fun and silly but very helpful and surprisingly enlightening. You took your time to get to know me, even though we only had a limited time to spend together. I felt the session flowed very smoothly and that we were able to come up with some next steps that I could act on without feeling overwhelmed. I very much plan to do the homework ????. There really wasn’t anything I didn’t like about our session. It really helped to talk through some of the things I have been thinking about and have someone help me put them into perspective as well as come up with an action plan. I think you are a fabulous coach and I’m sure you will help many people feel the way I felt at the end of our session.

Michele G.

It takes special people to make great things happen and Patricia is squarely inside that club.

I met Patricia when she worked at MedHost. My company installs patient safety programming inside of electronic health records. There are so many great opportunities to reduce medical errors and improve safety and Patricia jumped at the opportunity. Working together on that project and that mission was wonderful, largely because Patricia is awesome. Smart, creative, intuitive. A wonderful person to work with. Now she has jumped into the next mission, or perhaps it is just an evolution of the patient safety concept. Keeping people safe, helping to properly manage a disease process. The best way to improve safety, don’t let the problem happen in the first place!. And I think Dragonfly Lights is right on point with this effort. It takes special people to make great things happen and Patricia is squarely inside that club. Patricia, I am very happy to have an opportunity to recommend you and help folks recognize the importance of the message you deliver!!!.

Dan Sullivan, MD, JD, FACEP

The Sullivan Group

She shared her expertise and wisdom on how to deal with the ups and downs of a diabetic teenager.

Patricia is truly an amazing individual with a plethora of knowledge and resources. She spent an hour on the phone with me listening to my personal situation and took the time to review several options that my family could pursue. She provided tons of resources for diabetic supplies and social media outlets for the diabetic community. In addition, she shared her expertise and wisdom on how to deal with the ups and downs of a diabetic teenager from the physical to the emotional to the spiritual. She was so easy to talk to; it was like I’d known her my whole life. It was so nice just being able to talk to someone who gets it!. She’s truly a very talented and gifted person (…and writer. Her website is equally inspirational!) I’d recommend her to anyone who needs a hand wrapping their mind around the biome of diabetes. From doctors to pharmaceuticals to insurances to just day to day living, Patricia is a goldmine of knowledge and wisdom, and I’m eternally grateful for the time and information she was willing to share with a complete stranger.

Jo W

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