I am sharing a secret weapon in the battle of diabetes! It’s communication! Learn my 3 C’s to great communication!
Video Articles
Video Chat: When diabetes and life get out of balance
Catch the replay of this week’s video chat. Do you and your diabetes ever get out of balance??
Video Chat: Happy Nurse Week.. and an apology
Catch the replay of this week’s video chat. What a week! Catch the replay to see what I have been up to! And a special apology for some special people….
Video Chat: How to make changes to your diabetes? Hoist Your sail!
Learn some keen insight into how to make changes to your diabetes plan easier! Leverage the energy and momentum around you! Hoist YOUR sail!
Video Chat: Communication – THE most important Diabetes Skill
You don’t often think of communication as a diabetes skill, but it is THE most important one! Using YOUR voice effectively builds confidence!
Video Chat: Cheating at Diabetes
Diabetes is a hard game to play, especially when the rules keep changing! Check out the replay of this week’s video chat to learn my way to CHEAT diabetes!