Diabetes Coaching: Why I Do What I Do
Diabetes Coaches help people with diabetes to learn new coping skills required to deal with these challenges.
Our feelings must be expressed to release and work through them
Diabetes can be very emotional. Frustration, fear, sadness, despair, overwhelm, depression and fatigue are all very common. As scary as it may be, one of the most healing things you can do is express yourself. It may be a conversation, a blog, a tweet, a story, a...
Back to school with “Betes”
For most parents of kids with diabetes, back to school time means ramping up your diabetes management game to all new highs! It is stressful anytime you upset your routing, and turning over your child’s care to someone else can really be hard. Just like with airplane...
To Keto or Not to Keto: That Is The Question
To Keto or Not to Keto: That Is The Question Diabetic Keto-Acidosis (DKA) can be the precursor to death for people that suffer from diabetes. When diabetes is left untreated, it is DKA that causes shock, multi-system failure, and eventual death. Even with the risks of...
Fun with Formularies…. NOT!!
The Hell of Health Insurance Anyone who has health insurance can agree that it is a complicated process. Proficiency in understanding deductibles and co-pays, finding in-network providers, and balancing premiums with out of pocket costs should require a college...
To My Healthcare Brethren: There Is No Such Thing As “Non-compliant”
Labels: Great for canisters, not so great for people. As a nurse for over 30 years, I get it. I have done it. In frustration over seeing people suffer at their own hand, I have called them “Non-Compliant”. Especially those darn diabetics whose lives would be so...