Happy New Year! Guess what????

by | Jan 3, 2020 | Motivation, Video | 0 comments

Happy New Year!

The new year brings a clean slate and a fresh start (and so does every day, hour, minute…. but that is a post for another day)! A fresh start can be a new resolution to “do” something, which never seems to stick and we fall back into old patterns by mid-February. A fresh start can also be an intentional new way to “be” no matter what you are doing!

I adopted this strategy a few years ago and surprisingly, it has really made a difference. The “word” of the year has woven its way into my plans, relationships, conversations, intentions and ultimately my actions.


The irony of wanting to change something about ourselves each year is that we forget we change no matter what. Think back. Are you the same as you were last Jan 1st? Or 2 years ago, 10 years ago or more? The answer is no, we all change and grow every day. The secret is to recognize this inevitable change and then guide it, just a little at a time. Because, like it or not, the little things that happen every day change you. Can you see how very easy, simple ideas or baby steps can alter your path resulting in really BIG changes down the road? Slow and steady is the key. The tortoise had it right!


If you’d like to learn my word for 2020, watch the replay of my FB live today. I am also sharing a sneak peek at a big announcement coming soon!

Go do great things! (one safe, easy, tiny step at a time).

2020 is just your year to make it happen!


Patricia Daiker Diabetes Coach



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