Inspirations – Loving Your Body

by | Mar 8, 2019 | Inspiration, Motivation | 0 comments

This week I focused on how much weight and body image impact people with diabetes.  It is one aspect of diabetes that anyone can see.  And we feel the glances, the assumptions and the judgments. We can’t control what others think or even know what they really think.  We can only be grateful for the body that we have.  The more grateful we are, the more likely we are to treat it kindly and graciously.  In a world that uses our insecurities to market products, fixes, diets, supplements and many other products to fix what we think is faulty, choose to not listen to it.  Choose the Golden Rule but in reverse, Treat Yourself as You Would Want Others To Treat You!  Be proud.  Hold your head up.  Be the best you of all!

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