Springtime – Three Steps to New Growth in YOUR Diabetes Life

by | Mar 26, 2019 | Blog, Dealingwithyourdiabetes, Motivation | 0 comments

Springtime is all about growth and change. It’s the end of the cold dark season as many new things burst forth as the sun warms the ground. The interesting part about spring,  is that it wouldn’t be here if we didn’t leave behind the harvest of fall l and persist through winter.    It’s a perpetual cycle where we achieve,  we let go and rest, then to start over. The flower that blooms in the spring began as a seed that fell from the dead plant in the fall.  It had to let go of the thing which created it to bloom.  The cycle is meaningful with diabetes as well, not that we can let go of the illness, but we can let go of things which no longer serve us.  It happens in three steps.

Step 1

To move forward you have to let go. This could be many, many things,  like letting go of bad habits, letting go of negative self-talk,  letting go of perfectionism, letting go of choices that don’t serve you, letting go of hating, letting go of not speaking your truth, or letting go of a provider who doesn’t hear you. Only you know what you are holding on to, and what has become so heavy that it keeps you from your best.

Step 2

This part is really the hardest, because you  must step into some places that aren’t familiar   You must release “it”  and plunge yourself fully into something unknown.   Much like letting go of the side of the swimming pool to swim to the deeper end.  This is scareyville!    We all like predictability and certainty, but this “letting go”. The part that helps in this phase is knowing that you made a choice to move in a direction you want to go. Know that you are being planted and that sometimes shedding old habits and growing in a new direction can be a little painful.  It’s all about persistence – you have to do a LOT of positive self-talk!  “I am getting healthier!”, “I want this!”, “I am moving towards my goal”, “I am making a difference for ME!” “I am checking my sugars more often”.   Do “I am” statements like a crazy person!  Write them everywhere.  ‘I am” means it is happening!

Step 3

Finally – something new and fresh happens.  It may be small and subtle, but relish in it!  Checked your blood sugar every day this week versus once a month!   Wooo hooo!!   You are doing it!   Made an appointment with a new provider!  Shake your tail feathers!.   Spoke your truth to someone!   Don’t even try to wipe that grin off  your face!  It feels sooooo good to be heard, to have it your way and to make choices that align with who you are as a person!  It is SOOOOOO important to recognize your achievements.  Don’t skip this part!!!!   The more  you celebrate any little win, the further away you get from what you left behind.

Dragonfly Lights Growing and Changing!

I have been experiencing my own growth!  Business is booming and it’s time to let go of the old and do something new!  A restructure to facilitate what’s to come!  I’m updating my branding to align with  new growth,  new products,  and new opportunities.  Ironically,  as I was building a new website, my old one crashed!  So today,  I am happy to introduce my new site:BetterDiabeteslife.com.com!  Still a source of great encouragement, motivation and skills to help you deal with YOUR diabetes every day!   My company name,Dragonfly LIghts LLC and its mission remains the same.

Here is what you can expect!

Weekly focused topics – You can subscribe to any or all and they will arrive in your inbox!

  • Monday Blog – a full length post on some facet of dealing with diabetes!  Please share!
  • Newsy Tuesday – I’ll be sharing an article I find interesting, meaningful or educational
  • Wednesday Stories – Personal stories from my life or one of my readers about the Diabetes Life. Let me know if you want to share your story!
  • Thursday Video Chat – I am LIVE on Facebook typically at 4:30 (depending on my kids!), to discuss the week’s topic. Please send in your comments or questions and I will address them on the video
  • Friday Inspiration – Motivation is a cornerstone of how I deal with diabetes and I am sharing every week!

Webinars – I have done quite a few webinars in my corporate days and it is time to share more with you in an interactive, online session.   My first 5 part series kicks off this Wednesday at 12:00 (noon) CST.  I will cover The Missing LInk in Diabetes Care.  As I talk with more and more people who live with diabetes, i am certain these are the game changers!  You won’t want to miss!  Register HERE

Online Group Coaching – Are you ready to get started, but would like to share the experience and the cost?  It only takes 5 people to make it happen!  Message me if you are interested! (patricia@dragonflylights.net)

Coming Soon  – I’ve been in the studio recording videos for a new home coaching program. I’m so excited to bring this to you!  For me, I really had to get pretty sad to reach out for help.  I want you to be able to learn these valuable tools and skills right now!  And at a reasonable price, in the privacy of your home.  I get it, one on one coaching can be expensive.  Stay tuned for more info!

Bear with me as I make this transition!  Let me know what you think AND if you find any glitches!

Love hearing from you!

Peace and “sprouts”




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