by Patricia Daiker | Mar 17, 2020 | Blog, Motivation
We are in strange times and need support to cope with chaos created by the Corona Virus. What we took for granted yesterday, now seems uncertain and fear abounds. I can’t do much about this virus invading our communities, but I did want to provide with some education and a few coaching tips that can help you manage the stress of corona.
by Patricia Daiker | Feb 27, 2020 | Blog, Motivation
I was recently honored to present at the Greater Dallas Chapter JDRF Type One Summit on the topic of diabetes burnout and stress.
by Patricia Daiker | Jan 30, 2020 | Blog, Motivation
The truth about diabetes is often lost in the noise of what we should eat and do, new treatments how expensive diabetes is. But that is not the whole truth. At all.
by Patricia Daiker | Jan 14, 2020 | Blog, Motivation
Your expectations about your diabetes plays a huge role in what you feel about diabetes. Frustrated and over it? I have a simple tip for you!
by Patricia Daiker | Jan 3, 2020 | Motivation, Video
Happy New Year! Catch the video replay of big news and 2020 word of the year! Lot’s of changes and new offerings! Don’t miss it!