Type 1 Diabetes Cause – Are bad beta cells to blame?

by | Feb 26, 2019 | Education, News | 0 comments

Check out this new research published February 21, 2019 in Cell Metabolism.  Researchers at UCSF think dysfunctional pancreatic beta cells may be the reason our immune system wipes them out.  Traditional theory blames a virus or other foreign substance for triggering the immune system that attacks beta cells.  But why doesn’t the immune system attack other pancreatic cells?  The study suggests beta cells show signs of weakness, long before the immune system attacks and the immune system is just taking care of bad cells.  In mice they were able to take care of the bad beta cells and avert the onset of Type one.

New info on the cause of diabetes???  Interesting for sure.  Another piece of the puzzle definitely.  Cautiously optimistic this one might hold water??

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