
by | Apr 20, 2018 | Inspiration | 0 comments

May you flourish today

Every day (ok well most days), I write in a journal 4 things I am grateful for, 2 people I want to give love to, 1 request from God and an intention of how I want my day to be.  I write my intention on the top of my “To Do” list and try to make sure I do the things that align with my intention.  I try not to force the intention, just see what feeling comes up and then what word feels right.  My intention today is “flourish”.  Not a word I use that often, so I did a quick google to get a better sense of the word.   The result: “to grow or develop in a healthy or vigorous way, especially as the result of a particularly favorable environment”.  I love that – especially healthy growth and a good environment.  Everyone is resistant to change, but growth is change yet in a positive and non-painful way.  So I thought I would share and wish that you find a nice place to grow and flourish whatever you are doing today!



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