Check out what I learned about diabetes from a potted plant in this week’s video post!!!
Motivation Articles
Celebrate Freedom: Dealing With YOUR Diabetes
Even though we may not have choice about how our bodies function, we do have a tremendous freedom to choose how we live our lives.
Newsy Tuesday: Hallelujah! Research shows that coping skills are a difference maker in diabetes
What I DID find fascinating, was the image of a normal blood vessel and that of one compromised by (assumed) uncontrolled diabetes.
Diabetes – Some Days I Want To Be DISCONNECTED
Do you ever have those days were you just want to disconnect from diabetes and about everything else and be alone? Me too!
Video Chat: How to make changes to your diabetes? Hoist Your sail!
Learn some keen insight into how to make changes to your diabetes plan easier! Leverage the energy and momentum around you! Hoist YOUR sail!
Newsy Tuesday: Crazy Images of Diabetes Blood Vessels!
What I DID find fascinating, was the image of a normal blood vessel and that of one compromised by (assumed) uncontrolled diabetes.