Happy New Year!! Sneak peak at 2020!

by | Jan 1, 2020 | Blog, Dealingwithyourdiabetes, General | 0 comments

Happy New Year!

Hang on to your hats folks, we are in a new decade! I love the feel of something new and 2020 does not disappoint! Perhaps a revisit of the “Roaring 20s” of the 1900s where the pulse of possibility ran through America! There are a lot of new things going on for me and I want to share them with you! Diabetes and all!.

My New Year’s Resolution in a Word

In 2018 as I embarked on my new adventure as an entrepreneur and diabetes coach. I was in a period of deep personal growth and I decided instead of making a resolution to “do” something, I would resolve to “be” something new. On that first year, I chose the word “Authentic” to represent my goals to be true to myself, to use my gifts and talents in a way that served others and to courageously do “me”!. That word helped me through many challenging situations as a new business owner when doubt or feelings of comparison crept into my thoughts.

Finding new ways to “be” was much more transformational than trying to “do” something, so in 2019 I repeated the process. Last year my word was “Intentional”. I wanted to move forward with purpose and on purpose to create a business foundation, products, and services that would allow me to scale my company and extend my reach. As I reflect on the past year, I can recall so many times when being intentional got me exactly where I needed to go or got me out of where I didn’t need to be. Being intentional kept my focus on the bigger picture.

This year, my word is “Receptive“. I want to be open to new ideas, products, people, growth, abundance, wealth, love, inspiration and so much more. And when these opportunities and blessings come my way, I am going to take what was meant for me with open arms! I think a lot of us believe that good stuff only happens to other people or that it would be greedy to accept it. But I am coming to realize that taking what is yours to have, doesn’t steal it away from anyone else. Just like being healthy doesn’t take away someone else’s health. Receiving your blessings doesn’t “unbless” someone else. In fact, when you are your best, you are able to more abundantly bless, love, create, grow, inspire and so on. So come on 2020, bring it my way!  I am ready!

Sneak Peak

I have assembled an incredible team for the next stage of my business and I am taking my coaching to the next level! 2020 will bring new products and services to the millions of people who live with the challenges of diabetes every day. I wish I could say I have a cure for this damned disease, I don’t. But I do have ways that make the burden of diabetes much lighter to bear. Much like we can’t control the weather, we can’t control diabetes. Yet, we can live a full and happy life when storms roll in if we prepare well and make some adjustments. My coaching builds the skills to help people with diabetes prepare well and make adjustments so they can live a better diabetes life!

To support these new products, I am introducing a new brand after the first of the year! I can’t wait to share it with you, but for now, I will leave you guessing!.

May 2020 be your best year ever!.

Peace and blessings,

Patricia Daiker Diabetes Coach



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