My Mission and Vision

by | Dec 27, 2018 | Blog, Dealingwithyourdiabetes, General | 0 comments

2019 is just around the corner! As with each new year, it is time for planning and preparing. Part of my prep is to revisit my mission and vision to make ensure everything I am planning aligns with my bigger picture. I thought it would be a good time to share these goals again on my blog.

My Vision

The purpose of Dragonfly Lights is to provide support and inspiration for people dealing with chronic health issues, so they are empowered to live healthier and happier in ways meaningful to them.

People have often suggested my programs and coaching would benefit anyone with a chronic illness or trauma and I agree. I dream of a larger platform where people who understand the challenges of living with a chronic issue, can support others who are going through it. There is just something special about another person who “gets” your struggle. It instills hope, validation, and connection which are imperative to long term happiness. Additionally, I want advocate for person centered care by helping people understand how to take back the reins and live life on their terms.

My Mission

To change the standard of care for people with diabetes to make coping & life skills a part of the treatment plan.

Currently, my mission focuses on people who are dealing with diabetes. Not only their bodies and physical needs but the mind and soul as well.  Our beliefs and emotions dictate much of what we think and do. If we aren’t fully armed to cope with the challenging emotions that diabetes brings, we can become bitter and resistant. Further, if we believe diabetes is something we caused or a punishment, our self-worth plummets. We need help not only to sort out carbs, insulin, glucose, and meters, but guilt, shame, fear, and remorse just to name a few. Even small improvements in coping skills, can yield major benefits to your overall health. And when you feel a little bit better, you will do a little bit better. Promise.


My word for 2018 was “Authentic”. I wanted to be as transparent as I could and share my truth with anyone who would find it beneficial. My litmus test was the question “Who are you pleasing?  If it was another person, I thought long and hard about my next step. There are many times our actions are to make another person happy. But if I felt like I was “hustling” for approval, at the cost of my own truth, it was not the right thing to do. If my answer pleased the still, quiet voice inside that whispered “You got this”, “This is what all your struggle was for”, or “You have purpose”, I took a step in that direction. So far, so good.


My word for 2019 is “Intentional”. To me, this means having a clear plan that aligns with your purpose. The word purpose flowed through my writings and messages this past year. My first published book is called “ Dragonfly Lights – Learning About Your Perfect Purpose“. It is a simple story, beautifully illustrated, that reminds us we are here for the experiences and connections we have with others. Your purpose is always there if you put down your fear long enough to notice it. It tugs at you deep inside, unwilling to be quieted. When you feel your purpose calling, do something about it “on purpose”. That is intentional.

Happy 2019!!

Peace and grace,




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