Stories: Diabetes & a Baseball Coach

by | Apr 3, 2019 | Motivation, Stories | 0 comments

I love this story!  Such a blessing that this young man has a coach who was also has Type 1 diabetes.  Check out the article at the link below:

Cape Coral athlete credits coach helping him manage diabetes

There were several important things to notice in the article:

  • He was supported to continue doing what he loved.
  • He learned about what diabetes is really like from someone who knows it well.
  • He had a mentor to talk to and learn from.
  • He doesn’t see himself as disadvantaged and maintains a very positive attitude.

Above all, it appears he learned some great skills on and off the field!

Do you have someone in your life to help you along YOUR diabetes path?  If not, let’s chat. I can’t help you with your baseball skills, but I might help you with some new coping skills!

Schedule a call!




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