For many of us, this is Spring Break week which means some time away from the routine of school. A time to relax, regroup and recharge our batteries. Our school systems understand the importance of this time away to play, explore and laugh without the demands of...
Ownership Articles
My Diabetes Stories – Weight Loss & The Resident!
If there is anything slightly good about having diabetes, it was the crazy weight-loss that preceded my diagnosis. I think my “healthy” weight is about 130 or 135 – at that point, I was in a size 8 or 10. And I thought I was fat! God, as I look back I am not sure...
Are you a Member of the Diabetes Unwanted Roommate Club?
Life with diabetes grants you automatic membership to the Unwanted Roommate Club. Membership entails being randomly assigned, against your will, the most annoying, uncaring, hurtful, spiteful, unpredictable, and dangerous creature. This creature will share your...
Why We Eat – Understanding Your Diabetes Relationship with Food
Eating defines almost every relationship we have on some level. Moments after we are born, a breast or bottle begins our lifelong relationship with food. Our basic sense of trust develops as we learn to rely on those who feed us. We pacify emotions and soothe...
When Diabetes is Out of Your Control
often no matter our best intentions, life gets in the way and often we can’t control situations that impact our diabetes.
Dealing with Diabetes
But in my experience, the most successful outcomes are achieved by dealing with diabetes.