Connection, A Strategy for Coping with Diabetes

by | Jan 31, 2018 | Blog, Communication, Dealingwithyourdiabetes | 0 comments

Connection, A Strategy for Coping with Diabetes

I exhibited at a Wellness Expo this past weekend and met quite a few people, like me, who live with diabetes.  It felt good to be with others who understand.  I have spent some time thinking about that good feeling and I realize that connection is a key to long-term happiness, pretty much for any aspect of life, but especially with diabetes.  As I get further into my coaching career, I see that connection is what it is all about!  Not having to go it alone is very healing, healthy, and hopeful.  Amid all the carb counting, injections, diet, self-sacrifice, testing, doctor visits and metabolic roller coaster ride that is diabetes, perhaps an understanding and empathetic friend is how we improve our outcomes?

When I was first diagnosed, I worked side by side in the ER with a nurse who was T1D.  At first, I wasn’t having any part of her encouragement.  Those were the denial days and I didn’t want to be in her club.  But over the years, we have shared a special bond.  Sisters in life because of diabetes.  I think she was the first person who understood the isolation and the struggle.  Thank you Debbie, for always being there.  It’s such a comfort!

Connection and Coaching

As I meet with clients and potential clients, the fact that we both have diabetes creates an instant connection and understanding.  That connection creates the foundation for the trusting relationship to help them reach their goals.  It feels good to have someone in your corner.  And I believe how you feel is pivotal to your success.  Social media has been another source of connection for me and I find myself wanting to share more of my day with somewhat random strangers who know what a bummer it is to not get enough blood to test on the first try, or the frustration of finding a good insertion site, or the panic of travelling and realizing your forgot your insulin.  It somehow makes things a bit better to know you are not the only one.  You are not alone.  You are not isolated.  It makes it tolerable and the more I get connected, the more I want more.

Next week, I start group coaching at our local middle school (East is Beast!).  I am excited to meet these students who are dealing with chronic illnesses.  My hope is that they find connection in the group and are better able to cope with any challenges they are facing.  I know they will teach me a thing or two!  This spring as part of a community wellness program, I am organizing a diabetes support group so we can come together locally and support one another.  Lot’s of connecting with the diabetes community for me and it feels really good!   I am sure I will have stories to share. Stay tuned.



Patricia %



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