Making Healthy Work Happen: Pushups and Planks

by | Feb 13, 2019 | General, Stories | 0 comments

Working in an corporate workplace can mean many hours at a desk, the exact opposite of healthy work.  When I worked at MEDHOST, I joined the technical teams in daily “Planks & Pushups”.  It was an organic activity started in the aisle of the “Data Team’s” row of cubes.   For a few timed minutes each day, we stopped what we were doing, gathered in the aisle and did alternating planks and pushups.  Feet in your cube, head in the aisle.  I broke up the monotony, gave us a break from screens and created a friendly atmosphere.  Oh yea and we got our heart rates up,  firmed up some muscle and it sure didn’t hurt my diabetes.  But I think the healthy camaraderie was more important and that kept us coming back.  Healthy work was just a side effect!



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