The Truth About Diabetes
The truth about diabetes is often lost in the noise of what we should eat and do, new treatments how expensive diabetes is. But that is not the whole truth. At all.
The truth about diabetes is often lost in the noise of what we should eat and do, new treatments how expensive diabetes is. But that is not the whole truth. At all.
I hope you are past all the chaos that the season can bring and settling into some holiday celebrations with your family and friends. With all the preparation in the last few weeks, I was struggling to come up with a fitting year end and holiday post this year. And diabetes did not disappoint to provide inspiration. This poem was my morning……
I read Sara’s story about her experience with diabetes in the desert on InsulinNation and knew I had to share. Amazing!
Have you ever spotted a diabetic in the Wild? Someone checking their blood sugar, pulling out a pen, or a pump clipped to a waistband?
Mood is a tricky thing as it is subjective. With diabetes it isn’t uncommon to be in a bad mood, but that might not be as bad as you think.