The Truth About Diabetes
Acting Upon Your Truth I have to admit, at times I get what I call “monkey mind”. Those times when the chatter of my thoughts create chaos and unrest. It is the incessant babbling of the ego trying to protect the body by keeping us small, pointing out all the...
Meandering Blood Sugars
Movement is Constant – Expect It! Life Moves On my walk this morning, I enjoyed watching a small stream meander through a subdivision. It reminded me that everything is constantly moving and that movement has a HUGE impact on our happiness. Sitting around is...
Why Dragonflies and Diabetes??
Why Dragonflies and Diabetes? A quick google search will turn up a myriad of sites about dragonflies and their meanings. They provide inspiration to so many and they adorn everything from teacups to tattoos. But it was this definition that initially caught my...
Making Sense of Your Senses
Which of your senses make sense to you? The human body is a miraculous machine built to insure its own survival. It uses complex sensory input via the nervous system to interpret and navigate its environment. Our sense of sight, sound, touch, taste and smell are...
Agile Diabetes Management
I implemented agile principles into my diabetes management, Quality of life improved, I felt more empowered, blood sugars were better
Ever Have a Bad Day? A Possible Solution.
Other People’s Needs and Boundaries Everyone has a bad day every so often, right? Today is one of mine so I thought I would share to help gain objectivity to my situation, process it, and perhaps find a nugget worth sharing. I think it starts with expectations. ...