My new products and services are designed to help people learn new ideas and ways of thinking about diabetes, so they can let go of patterns and perceptions that no longer are helpful. News ways of “dealing with it”.
Dealingwithyourdiabetes Articles
Springtime – Three Steps to New Growth in YOUR Diabetes Life
It’s a perpetual cycle where we achieve, we let go and rest, then to start over.
How Does Your Culture Impact YOUR Diabetes?
Happy Saint Patrick’s Day! One of my favorite holidays! Not only am I named after St. Patrick (my Dad wanted a boy…..that’s another story), but according to my DNA, I am 63% Irish. The other 37 percent is a stone’s throw away in England and France. You might say...
It’s Spring Break – Time to Take a Diabetes Break Too?
For many of us, this is Spring Break week which means some time away from the routine of school. A time to relax, regroup and recharge our batteries. Our school systems understand the importance of this time away to play, explore and laugh without the demands of...
Your Diabetes, Your Weight and Your Body Image
When you have diabetes, your weight becomes a BIG deal! Providers Every provider I have seen knows my weight before they walk into the treatment room and say hello. They have an idea about me before they see me. That number tells a story. I get it – it’s an...
The Myths About Blood Sugar and Diabetes -The Top 5 Crazy Things I Hear People Say
As an advocate for people dealing with diabetes in every nook and cranny of their lives, I hear a lot of misinformation. This week my posts are a platform dispel myths about blood sugars and diabetes, to share the truth, as well as a bit of the crazy things that...