“What have you done, that doctors said you shouldn’t or couldn’t do?” It is not often the easy thing, but life isn’t about always doing the easy things.
Ownership Articles
Inspiration: Diabetes – YOU make the decisions
Diabetes is a self-managed disease which means you are the one making the decisions a thousand times a day.
Video Chat: What Does a Diabetes Coach Do?
Curious how coaching is helpful with diabetes? It’s the person who has the time and care your doctor doesn’t’! Time to try diabetes coaching?
Stories to Connect: Ever Fire Your Diabetes Doctor?
I must admit, I have fired several of my diabetes doctors over the years . None of them for their lack of clinical skills, but all of them for their lack of respect and understanding.
Inspirations: Gratitude Hidden in the Hardship of Diabetes
Gratitude Hidden in the Hardship of Diabetes
Inspirations – Every Day is a Gift
Wrapping up after Memorial Day on Monday and remembering those who lost their lives fighting for freedom, makes me remember that every new day I get is a gift.