How Does Your Comfort Zone Impact Your Diabetes Management?
Is it time to push yourself? I signed up for a video class since I have little to no experience doing videos on social media and it is something I would like to add to my platform. I knew I would be nervous about getting in front of the camera. I even posted on FB...
What is the motivation for your diabetes plan?
"Because my doctor told me to" is NOT a good reason I think the medical community has this idea that their influence and guidance is what makes us do what we do each and every day of our lives to manage diabetes. Don’t get me wrong, their expertise and knowledge is...
Who do you want to BE this year?
Happy 2018! How many of you are working on “doing” something so you can be a better “you” this year? January is the month for new year’s resolutions and new goals! Changing our diet, changing our exercise, changing our day-to-day routine to become that better version...
Can a Bad Mood be a Good Thing?
Mood is a tricky thing as it is subjective. With diabetes it isn’t uncommon to be in a bad mood, but that might not be as bad as you think.
Your Worst Customer Ever Is Now Your Roommate….Forever
How it feels to have a chronic disease It’s the stuff of nightmares. Picture in your mind one of the most difficult person you have ever had to deal with. It could be a teacher, colleague, classmate, customer, or neighbor. Just someone who rubbed you the wrong way,...
Don’t forget, YOU are the expert on YOU.
Although this advice is not new, it bears repeating. “Trust your instincts. You are the best expert on you.” As you live your life with diabetes or any other chronic condition, you adjust to your new status. You become familiar with the symptoms of things too high...