Honesty: The Cure for Diabetes Shame
Diabetes shame surfaces in the face of criticism, perfectionism and unrealistic expectations of others. Truth is how we overcome.
Help Wanted! Join My Team?
Family, friends and supporters! I need your help! Do you know someone who is a whiz at digital marketing and sales? Connect me!
Diabetes Life – Living in a Bell Curve
In my personal, professional, and diabetes life I’ve noticed that things exist in a bell curve. Many things in common, but no one the same. There are lessons we can learn from this truth.
What’s Going On With Insulin Prices?
Tracking Insulin prices is a necessary hobby as I don’t have injectable coverage. In this week’s blog, I share my secrets!
Diabetes Advice for Summer
Summer is officially here and I have some diabetes advice. It’s a good time to review and reboot your diabetes!
Sugar – Enemy #1 for Diabetics and Everyone Else
Metabolic syndrome is caused by sugar and the precursor to diabetes, cancer, heart disease, liver disease and Alzheimer’s.