It was refreshing to find this article that talks about the root of living well with diabetes – dealing with Diabetes Distress.
Diabetes Life – Living in a Bell Curve
In my personal, professional, and diabetes life I’ve noticed that things exist in a bell curve. Many things in common, but no one the same. There are lessons we can learn from this truth.
Video Chat: Insulin Prices and Playing the Game of Diabetes!
Catch the replay of this week’s video chat! On my mind this week, is insulin prices and how to play the best game of diabetes you can!
Stories to Connect: Podcast: Different Diseases, Similar Paths
I was recently a guest on Ronda Arndorfer’s Healthy is Wealthy podcast. We both share a journey of frustration with the healthcare system. And we both found ways to make significant meaningful changes on our own. The result? Better health and more peace in our lives!
What’s Going On With Insulin Prices?
Tracking Insulin prices is a necessary hobby as I don’t have injectable coverage. In this week’s blog, I share my secrets!
My Diaversary- Insulin Dependant the Day After Independence Day
My Diaversary was 28 years ago. In the diabetes life, your diaversary is when your diabetes started. An anniversary of diabetes. The first day I took insulin was the day after Independence Day. The irony never escapes me. I became insulin dependent the day after Independence Day.